
Pre-Purchase Inspections 101

What exactly is a Pre-purchase Inspection and do prospective airframe buyers really need one?

Purchasing an airframe is a complicated transaction. With many thousands or even millions of dollars on the line, buyers must ensure their airframe is the condition they expect it to be.

This is why we recommend pre-purchase inspections (PPI) any time you buy an airframe. The goal is to ensure that the buyer is not caught off guard by maintenance requirements or other surprise costs after they take ownership of the craft.

At Global MX, we have completed hundreds of PPIs for airframe buyers over the years. Here are the basics to understand about the process — contact us for more advice and perspective from our professional inspectors.

Am I required to get a PPI if I’m buying an airframe?

Airframe receiving pre-purchase inspection in hangarNo, but you should get one anyway. PPIs are not mandated by law and there are no regulations that spell out exactly what they should entail.

However, a PPI adds a smart layer of due diligence and gives you the full picture of an aircraft before you buy. A PPI is mainly about purchase protection and peace of mind. It’s a small cost compared to the purchase price, but it can pay huge dividends.

It’s the same idea as taking a used car to your trusted mechanic, or hiring a building inspector to spot deficiencies when you buy a home. You’ll be responsible for keep-up costs moving forward, so you want to know exactly what you’re getting into.

PPIs also give you leverage as a buyer. If we find issues, either during a review of the maintenance logs or while physically inspecting the craft, the buyer can use these deficiencies to negotiate a lower sale price.

What’s involved with a PPI?

The short, if somewhat inconclusive, answer is that pre-purchase inspections can be anything you need them to be. It depends on a number of variables, including the type of craft, its overall condition, how many flight hours it has, and how recently it’s been in service.

The PPI on a two-seater Cessna that flies every week will be markedly different from that of a Gulfstream IV that’s been sitting in a hangar for the last five years.

All reputable repair shops approach a PPI in more or less the same way, involving two major types of review. They will assess all the major components of the craft to ensure its flight worthiness. They will also review logbooks and pour over maintenance history to see if any components warrant a closer look.

Beyond that, the specifics of every PPI are guided by the buyer’s concerns and their plans for the craft. Concerns raised by the maintenance staff after completing the initial assessments will be presented for consideration.

Do you only inspect a craft during a PPI, or can you perform maintenance at the same time?

Cropped head portrait of mechanic and engineer wearing uniform working inside airplane with aviation tools and equipmentOftentimes buyers already know that the craft will require maintenance. Perhaps the avionics need to be upgraded. Maybe the seller has disclosed that an engine or other critical component is nearing the end of its maintenance cycle.

It’s common to perform upgrades like these at the same time as the full inspection. Especially if you know that the maintenance provider will need to source parts or materials, being proactive will help avoid having to ground the craft for an extended period.

How should an airframe buyer prepare for a PPI?

Before scheduling pre-purchase inspections, it’s helpful to prepare a list of questions. We tailor the PPI to the client and the craft. We encourage buyers to take the time to discover anything and everything about the new investment.

Write down any concerns you have about the PPI process, the services we can perform, or specific issues with the airframe itself. Don’t worry about feeling foolish asking what might be a basic question — everyone’s level of airframe expertise is different.

Whether you’re buying your first airframe or your fiftieth, we want everyone to feel confident in the inspection process and the craft they purchase. Read on to discover more details about PPIs and how they make a difference.

Learn more about PPIs: Our processExamples of Different PPIsDeep Dive: Engines and LogbooksCustomizing Your PPI

Contact us to schedule a pre-purchase inspection!


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